The Crown

Just this week, I sat at the dinner table discussing the royal family with a Brazilian. And it suddenly dawned on me: Americans (in general, that is) adore the queen. The happenings of the royalty have always intrigued me and (I think) carried a certain degree of importance to even us Yankees.

So you can imagine my happiness when this book-lover found out this week that there is not only now an entire TV series explaining the rise of Queen Elizabeth but also a book that details her life.

With photographs.

Yes: pictures! What could make a history book better?

I, for one, am extremely excited for “The Crown: The Official Companion, Volume 1.” And I think other fans of the British crown will be too.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.

When God…

The popular children’s series “When God…” is out with another edition: “When God Made You.” Much in the vein of “You Are Special” and “God Made You Special” (two books that I grew up on), this book emphasizes the uniqueness with which God carefully crafts each person–His special creations. Great used in the formative years to lay a foundation of self-image based on God’s image and wonderful as a resource for helping kids grasp the concept that each person is unique and special, I think this book (with its cute illustrations) will quickly find its way into church libraries and children’s book centers.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.

“The Heavens Declare the Glory of God…”

Nothing makes the sky more wondrous to me than stars. Just think: Cultures all around the world have studied the stars to navigate ships, foretell events, and marvel at the powerfulness of God. Whether or not those cultures have recognized Jesus or have studied the stars as an end in themselves, the galaxies tell a pretty powerful story pointing us to something beyond ourselves–something, I believe, that is actually Someone: God (Psalm 8).

In the book What We See in the Stars, the author illustrates and expounds upon the constellations in various cultures, as well as the features of our solar system. Anyone who is as fascinated by the night sky as I am will surely enjoy this book and find the constellations and galaxies even more intriguing.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.